Iann Schonken

Iann Schonken is a Christ-follower, husband to Melodi Schonken, a Church Leadership consultant, international speaker, author, premier ghostwriter, and personal development coach.Iann offers paid writing, speaking, personal coaching, and leadership consulting services to take you from dreaming... to doing ... to delight. If you'd like to see if he could help you find the solutions you need, jump onto a free 30-minute Discovery coaching call. Click the button below to set up a call via email, and he will help improve your life in no time!Click on the links below to find his work online, or send him an email by filling out the form below if you are interested to invite him to speak, consult, coach, or serve as a guest on your podcast. Be sure to check out and subscribe to his newsletter, The Daily Christian.

Iann Schonken writes and produces online content to benefit readers everywhere. Most of it is free of charge. A small group of sponsors sometimes want to know how they may support his writing online. If you wish to do so, please consider enrolling in a paid subscription of The Daily Christian. Otherwise, if you don't want a recurring subscription, you can send Iann something via Venmo. Click the button or scan the QR Code below:


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